How to help children deal with stress?
By : Luh Desi Karunia Lestari Do you ever see your child feel anxious? But you just don’t have any idea what is going on? Maybe your...
Wahai Para Guru, Ketahuilah 5 Cara Ini Untuk Membuat Anak-Anak Tetap Termotivasi di kelas!
Oleh : Komang Sierrafany Surya Libhi Salah satu kekhawatiran utama bagi orang tua dan pendidik adalah kurangnya motivasi anak untuk...
Kindergarten 2022 Grandparents’ Day
Our grandparents play a huge role in our lives. They are at the top of our family trees. They provide us with guidance and wisdom, and a...
Perayaan Hari Kemerdekaan RI ke-77
Perayaan Hari Kemerdekaan tahun ini berbeda dari 2 tahun sebelumnya karena anak-anak masih sekolah online. Tepat diulang tahun Indonesia...
Kegiatan “Movie Day”
Memberikan pengalaman yang menarik di luar kelas adalah salah satu bentuk pengajaran kepada murid selain belajar di dalam kelas. Kami...
Bake Sale and Donation Box
On 13th July 2022, BSS received sad news regarding one of the cleaning staff, Ibu Wedi. Ibu Wedi lost her house due to a fire. In order...
What is inside 'Earth and Space' – a new topic in Cambridge Primary Science?
By : Sinta Ary Gasella Science is one of the subjects that children look forward to. The topics in Science which mostly cover about the...
Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar: Sebuah Interpretasi
By : Kadek Dwi Dharma Ariani Kurikulum Merdeka adalah kurikulum dengan pembelajaran intrakurikuler yang beragam di mana konten akan lebih...
Graduation 2021/2022
“ Hand in hand, we strive to excel” is the theme for graduation 2021/2022. After two years, we are finally able to hold the graduation...
How to develop children’s social skills through story book
by : Ni Made Wulan Sintiyari Human beings are sociable creatures and have developed many ways to communicate messages, thoughts and...