What type of learner your child is?
Have you ever noticed that some children are energetic while others work best through language and do well with reading? Some children love dancing and the others love art. Some children love observing pictures and some love listening to the music. From these situations, we need to understand that the way children internalize and process information may vary from one to another. It can be said one’s learning style affects how a person takes-in information from their surroundings. As parents and as teachers, to know our children’s learning style is very important. If we know his or her learning style, we’ll have a stronger grasp of how to help them study, and we can be a better advocate for them at school.Knowing their learning style can also help us to consider after-school activities, camps, and extracurricular classes for our children.
Parents and educators have, at least anecdotally, identified three main types of learning:auditory, visual, andkinesthetic.
Auditory or language learners
Auditory learners are drawn to sound. They may be especially musical and show an aptitude for playing instruments or singing. They are good listeners and often have verbal strengths. They follow oral directions well. These types learn through listening to what others have to say and by talking about what they’re learning. They’re also more likely to remember information by talking aloud;they need to have things explained orally and may have trouble with written instructions. These individuals maytalk to themselves while learning something new andthey enjoy discussion groups over working alone. Auditory learners might look like they’re not paying attention when you talk to them, but their listening skills are more developed than their visual skills.
Visual learners
As their name suggests, these people learn through watching. It’s believed to be the most dominant learning style and many traditional classrooms are geared towards the visual learner. For their learning to make sense they need to be able to see, visualize and illustrate their knowledge skills and concepts. Visual learning characteristics include:remembering visual details, preferring to see what they are learning, needing to have paper and pens handy, doodling while listening, and liking to write down instructions or see them demonstrated.Visual learners are observant of the world around them and are drawn to art. You may notice this kind of learner looking at paintings, lingering over illustrations in books, and showing keen interest in photographs. Visual learners tend to enjoy screens, whether computers, televisions, or movies, and they retain the information they find there. These kinds of learners also have vivid memories. If your child is a visual learner, she may be especially skilled at remembering names, places, and people.
Kinesthetic/tactile learners
These learners like to be actively involved in the learning process, and learn best through hands-on activities and movement. Other characteristics of kinesthetic learners are: wanting to actually do whatever is being talked about or learned, inclined to move around while listening or talking, often “talking” with their hands, likes to touch things in order to learn about them, remember events by recalling who did what rather than who said what.Kinesthetic learners are physical. You’ll know if your child has this strength if she is great at sports or a natural dancer. These learners usually have a strong sense of balance, and they learn best by touching or doing things themselves. For example, this kind of learner tends to use a lot of gestures, or she may count on her fingers or clap along while she is counting.
Every child learns in a slightly different way, experts say, and figuring out your child’s own learning style can help assure academic success. Understanding how your child learns can make their education a better experience for all. Learning and school is not a one-size fits all. Usually, children will show a balance among all three, but there may be a particular style that allows them to thrive.
Have you figured out which one is your child’s learning style?

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