1st BSS Global Perspective Exhibition and Market Day
The morning of the 6th of March was a busy time for the Primary School and this was the first time for BSS to hold a Global Perspective Exhibition and Market Day. This year's theme was "Be Healthy!"
Global Perspective is one of the academic programmes in the Cambridge Curriculum. In this programme, the students have the "chance to develop life-long skills, learn critical thinking, research and collaboration" as they tackle both traditional and global issues.
The children looked very happy and enthusiastic about showing their projects. Projects displayed were very diverse and included : Recycled projects, robotic costume from used materials, use of leftovers for homebiogas, demonstration on soil erosion, healthy food posters, planting, zero waste lifestyle, explaination about hydroponic, cooking healthy food and drink and a puppet show about endangered animals.
Well done children and see you parents, at the 2nd exhibition!