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School Trip to Trans Studio Bali

This school trip in Term 2 was the first trip for all BSS students since the pandemic started. This is also the first experience for students in grades 1, 2 and 3 to go on a school trip. BSS chose Trans Studio Mall which is the largest indoor playground in Indonesia. Aside from the students being able to enjoy children's games, they were also treated to the beauty of digital art.

Students gathered at BSS just like a regular school day because they still took part in the Christmas celebration activities. After 09.30 the students gathered in the soccer field for group division and were given ribbons per group to make it easier for them when they were separated from the group.

Once they arrived at Trans Studio Mall, students’ tickets were scanned after which they were free with their group to enjoy all the rides. There are around 20 exciting rides that visitors can try.

This was an exciting experience for them, perfect to end the school year and to start the long holiday.

Happy holiday kids! See you on the next school trip...

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