Term 4 Events
1. Easter celebration
The first event in Term 4 was Easter which was celebrated on Easter Monday, April 18th, 2022. By 08:00 AM, the children were gathered in the Hall and were then guided by Mr Michael and Ms Vikki who acted as MCs and game masters of the activities. During the assembly, the6thgraders shared their poems on Easter while the 5th gradersshared their short compositions on “What Easter means to me”, followed by the reading of a quote on Easter by Alea (Primary 1A). The Primary school students were then divided into Lower and Upper Primary levels. For the games, the Lower primary classes, guided by Ms Vikki and the HRTs,moved to the basketball court to have their Easter Egg Hunt and Egg Relay. Meanwhile, the Upper primary levels stayed with Mr Michael and their HRTs in the hall for their Scavenger Hunt and Egg Relay. To make the activities more challenging, the children were divided into groups with members coming from different classes. Everyone went home a winner, taking with them their Easter cookie, an egg, and a BSS notebook.
Meanwhile, after their egg hunting, the Preschool students got to paint, decorate and bring home the eggs they found.

2. Earth week & Kartini day
The next days, Primary school was once again busy with two more events for the week, namely Earth Week and Kartini Day.
During Earth week, the students are continuously taught to love the environment. No better time to start than while they’re still young. For this activity, children watched videos about the importance of protecting the environment and what Earth day is. This was followed by the activity of making the earth fromcoloured paper pulp. On the last day, the students plantedbeneficial plants such as: chilies, tomatoes, aloe vera, eggplant and spinach, and for the hydroponic method of growing plants, students plantedbokchoy.
To celebrate Kartini Day, students viewed a film about Kartini and learntKartini's song accompanied by the Kalimba.To give a better picture of Kartini, all female teachers wore Kebaya whilethe male teachers wore Batik. The students also competed to draw and color Kartini where those with the best results received souvenirs in the form of school supplies.

3. Photo day
Photo day is an annual event held at Term 4. This photo day was held for 2 days: one day for Primaries 1 to 5 and Preschool and a day just for the graduating classes (Primary 6 & Star class). Each student was photographed for the yearbook. The graduating studentswere photographed individually wearing their togas and with their family. Each graduate and his or her family were given a photo shoot schedule to follow.
